Get Involved
With this work and your commitment, we are a growing community of collective care!
We ask and empower everyone involved with the upkeep of these fridges, that you treat them as your own, and that you respect the spaces that you share with others. These fridges might be powered by one household or organization, but it will take a community to keep them going. With your involvement and your support, we ask that every visit to the fridge be treated as a labor of love, and that you take initiative to offer what you can and to communicate what you cannot. This is a tender space to be accountable and to be supported.
Community fridges need to be cleaned and organized regularly. Here are some tips!
Come Prepared: bring your own cleaning supplies, such as rags / paper towers and liquid cleaning solutions and a bag or container to dispose of any trash produced.
Wipe Down All Shelves & Surfaces: remove all fridge contents to wipe down shelves and surfaces. Remove any residue, etc. Put food that has not expired back in the fridge and dispose of any food that has gone bad.
Dispose of Rotten Food: check dates on all food items and dispose of any out of date or visibly rotten food items.
Anyone who wishes to be part of the NOCF community can stock any fridge on their own at any time.
We are not able to facilitate the placement of new fridges at this time. The community can, and should, feel free to put up fridges on their own. We can add new locations to our map.
If you are a current host, and need assistance with a fridge, please use the contact form.
Anyone in need of food or drink for any reason may take from any fridge at any time.
With that in mind, please be conscious of the needs of others and your community. Do not take more than you need. Do not judge how much others take. People are often taking food for family members or neighbors.
NOCF receives monetary donations from the community that are used in a variety of ways.
These donations go to the everyday maintenance of the fridges including: fridge repairs, shelter building and repairs, assistance in covering electricity bills for host and other operating costs.
Fridges shelters are painted by local BIPOC artists who are paid for their time and reimbursed for materials.
NOCF funds also go to buy ingredients for chefs who are cooking for the fridges. BIPOC chefs can also receive a stipend for the time they spend cooking. Please email receipts to for reimbursement while funds are available.
Lastly, donations go towards the Community Shopper Program in which community members can shop for a fridge. Shoppers send a picture of the receipt and the full fridge to nolacommunityfridnges@gmail.comand are reimbursed for up to $50 a fridge. Please reach out through IG or email if you're interested in participating.
Cashapp Donations: @nolacommunityfridges
Paypal Donations:
Donations are handled by several volunteer community members and 100% of all funds go towards fridge upkeep and programs.
NOCF also occasionally requires donated fridges as well. Please visit the contact form if you have a clean and functional fridge to donate.
If you are a food establishment and wish to make regular donations that require pick ups, click here to make contact.
Did you visit a fridge? Post what you saw - Nola Fridges (NOCF) - Community Page